Unity CEO Says You're A "F—ing Idiot" If You Don't Think About Monetization During Creative Process, Apologizes

The current Unity CEO and former EA boss, John Riccitiello, has said that if studios don’t consider monetization in their games during the creative process, they’re a “f***ing idiot,” but has since apologized for his comment.

During a recent interview with PocketGamer.biz, the CEO discussed the announcement that Unity and IronSou…

Foregone – Análisis

La lluvia de lanzamientos independientes de cierto calado se está intensificando en las últimas semanas, probablemente por todo lo relacionado con la proximidad en el calendario de fechas tan importantes como Halloween, Black Friday o la campaña navideña. Por desgracia, muchas de estas producciones van a quedar eclipsadas por la tambi…